Laser Therapy
More than just effective pain relief

By Dr. Jack Fletcher, Family Dentist

The most exciting technology in the treatment of pain, inflammation, and healing promotion that I have seen is the cold healing laser. Cold lasers have been used in physiotherapy and chiropractic offices for a number of years but the older machines where not as powerful or effective as the new ones.

A lot of research has been done on how cold lasers help to relieve pain, swelling, muscle spasm, reduce inflammation, increase blood flow, and promote healing of ligaments and nerves. I am very excited at the potential these types of machines will have to heal a great number of problems that we can not treat well yet.

Most research indicates that the laser light stimulates mitochondria in cells to produce more energy. Cells need energy to be healthy and even more if the cell is attempting to heal. By reducing inflammation, blood flow is increased and more oxygen is carried to the area to grow healthier tissue.

I use Lumix 2 laser to help heal TMJ problems, reduce headache, promote faster gingival healing, and relieve muscle spasm. I have had great successes with this tool.